Be Dependable, Be Beneficent, Be Humane. #DBH – “Don’t Be Hating”
This message constitutes a stance against the forces of division, as they are fueled by hatred.

“In a topsy turvy world, reduce everything down to its simplest form.” -Shonko
Our planet has flipped. We’ve gone “Topsy Turvy”. Evil is good, cold is hot, and predators identify as victims. This model cannot endure.
​We introduced the "Hardened Heart" to bring awareness to our current situation. Like the “Yellow Smiley Face” that came before our symbol, it’s a reminder that we need to treat each other like grownups. Good manners are the glue that holds the veneer of civilization in place.
You can read more on Topsy Turvy or even share your own wisdom on the Simplest Forum. Don't forget to Buy Some Stuff and get your very own Hardened Heart.
Change starts with you and you alone. With consistency and constancy, together we the people make the only change that matters. #dbh